The Importance of CPPOB in Indonesia

In industries involving food and consumer products, every company must be able to comply with applicable regulations by taking a due diligence test to obtain a distribution permit or Izin Edar (IE). Although it sounds difficult, actually, the process of getting IE is quite easy. Every company must be able to ensure that every product is fit for consumption and marketed.

Izin Edar can only be obtained through BPOM (National Agency of Drug and Food Control)) and not by other organizations. BPOM will ensure that the products you sell are safe and suitable for consumption by the public. A sign of whether or not your product is suitable for sale is the distribution permit itself.

In order to get this certificate or permit, the company must be able to obtain a certain certificate called CPPOB. As one of the conditions for obtaining the IE, every company is required to have a CPPOB. Companies can only get the permit after obtaining this certificate, which makes the importance of CPPOB heightened.

And remember, the certificate can only be obtained after obtaining approval from BPOM.

Understanding The Importance of CPPOB

Is it really important to get the CPPOB certificate?

Of course! As one of the conditions for obtaining the distribution permit, CPPOB or Cara Produksi Pangan Olahan Baik (Good Processed Food Production Methods), cannot be ignored. This certificate can be used as a means to certify that a company has created safe and quality products for consumption by the wider community.

The implementation of CPPOB is, of course, as important so that every company can have quality and suitable products for consumption. Therefore, the existence of this policy then encourages the industry to move and work better, especially in improving product quality and quality.

The implementation of this CPPOB certificate will create safe and quality products that will always be available to the public. Therefore, CPPOB is used as the basis for obtaining the distribution permit. Companies will only be able to market their products if the products have been proven to be of quality.

Then, what if the company has not been able to get this CPPOB? The only option is to improve the production quality of the company itself, both in terms of quality, hygiene, or other aspects.

Because this certificate is an important condition for obtaining a distribution permit, there is no reason not to obtain a CPPOB certificate.

The Requirements

The CPPOB certificate itself will be obtained through several different stages. The first stage and the most important is the company’s commitment to comply with CPPOB standards. This commitment will start from the company’s leadership, which will then be followed by the subordinates.

The second stage is that the company must create a CPPOB team to implement the required standards. The steps that need to be taken by the team are to create guidelines that must be followed, then carry out the technical implementation for the distribution of information to all employees in the company.

To be able to get CPPOB, there are several requirements that must be met first, one of which is the cleanliness of the working personnel. Regarding hygiene, the company can socialize about this hygiene as well as provide facilities that can make the company cleaner.

In addition, the health of employees is also a major factor in the implementation of CPPOB standards within the company. In order for employees to stay healthy, the company can rearrange the policy on working hours.

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